Frequently Asked Questions about Directory Listings.
This page is to add a business listing in the New Hue Directory directory.
To list an event submit an event to our event calendar.
Thank you for choosing to list your business for our customers and be seen across all devices for busy families on the go.
Featured Listing:
In addition to the list below, you will also be listed on TOP of the categories you choose, above all free listings. It will contain a title for your business, a summary of what you offer, a phone number and address (along with additional features below).
- $115 Annually- Automatic Renewal
- Featured listing
- Up to 4 categories
- Up to 4 locations on site
- Map
- Up to 6 images
- Up to 2 videos
Free Listing:
This listing will appear in Directory searches. It will contain a title for your business, a summary of what you offer, a phone number and address (along with additional features below).
- No Featured Listing Included
- Up to 3 categories
- Up to 1 image
- No Video Included
** Free listings go live within 5-7 days after approval. Each year, you will receive a renewal email. If the listing is not renewed, it will be deleted from the site.
New Hue is a Florida-based company that works diligently to compile local resources to guide you and your family as you navigate your busy lives. Exploring a range of topics from health and wellness to wealth, travel, and education, we are a community of diverse individuals that aim to inform, encourage, and inspire!
We highly encourage you to double check the information provided on this site. New Hue Media does not guarantee and is not responsible for all the information on this site due to mis-communicated changes, but we do work hard to ensure it’s accurate for you.
Contact us:
New Hue Media Directory Listings FAQ
Why hasn’t my listing been published yet?
All submissions and edits are moderated by our editors to maintain quality and consistency on our site. It usually takes three business days for moderation, although in peak times it can take up to seven days.
Why are listings moderated?
To maintain the quality, editorial style and consistency on our site, all listings and deals are reviewed and edited if necessary. This provides a better experience for the reader, assures your business is represented in the best light and keeps the site to the high standard that our users expect from New Hue Media.
What should the title of my listing be?
The title of your directory listing must be the official name of your business. Listing titles may not include taglines or slogans. At the discretion of our editors, a word or phrase may be added to describe or clarify what the business offers.
What are your guidelines for listing descriptions?
Here are some of the basic editorial guidelines for our listings, but editors may also use their discretion to edit listings as they see fit.
- Use the third person (it or they, not I/we/our).
- No URLs, contact info, or offers in your description text. Use the required fields for this info.
- Do not include pricing or scheduling details that may become outdated.
- No hyperbole or claims that can’t be proven.
- Do tell our readers what is unique about your business, providing both a concise overview and the highlights that make your business stand out.
How do I cancel my listing?
You may cancel your listing at any time by logging in to your dashboard and clicking the “Manage Subscriptions” button. Please be aware that when you cancel a listing subscription, your payment is not prorated for partial months.
How do I renew a listing?
To renew a canceled subscription, go to your dashboard, find your listing under “Canceled”, and click “Renew”.
How do I make changes to a listing?
To make edits, log in to your dashboard and click on the edit icon next to the item you want to edit. Your edits will be submitted for moderation and be published to the site, on approval, within a few days.
Can I schedule a start or end date to a listing or deal?
A listing subscription begins when it is paid for until cancelled. Once cancelled, it remain on the site until the end of the payment cycle.
When will I be charged?
All of our listings are on recurring subscription plans. You will be charged at checkout and your credit card will be automatically charged on the same date each month (or year for an annual directory listing) until you log in to your account and cancel your subscription. When you cancel your listing subscription, your listing will remain to the end of the payment cycle. Any remaining time in the subscription period will not be prorated or refunded.
Can I cancel my listing today so I don’t forget to cancel before it renews?
When you cancel your listing subscription, your listing will remain to the end of the payment cycle. Your monthly or annual payment is not prorated for partial months, and your listing subscription benefits will continue until the end of your payment period.
How do I know when my subscriptions will renew?
Log in to your account and click the “Manage Subscriptions” button under “My Listings.” Find your subscription and view the “Next Payment” column to see the date of your next renewal payment. If you have an annual listing subscription, you will also be sent a notification one week before renewal.
Will I be notified before new charges?
For monthly listing subscriptions, you will receive an email confirmation of each payment made. For annual listing subscriptions, you will receive an email notification a week before your renewal.
Is it safe to use my credit card?
Our site is secure. All information is encrypted and we use the highest standard of credit card processing technology to process your credit card information so it is never stored on our site or servers.
Can I be listed for free?
Yes, once you cancel your paid listing it will be demoted to a basic listing (containing only your business name and contact information and appearing below all paid listings in the Directory). Your basic listing may remain on our site for free for a period of time. These free directory listings may be periodically removed from the site at our editors discretion.
Still need help? Email with any questions.
See our Listings Terms and Conditions.